Highway improvement projects occur statewide and commonly involve bridge replacements, roadway improvements, or widening. As part of the project planning process, ODOT's Cultural Resources Program conducts research to identify and evaluate historic properties, including archaeological sites. This research has recovered information from archaeological sites in a variety of settings, representing many of Oklahoma’s prehistoric and historic time periods.
In accordance with 36 CFR Part 800, ODOT-CRP conducts archaeological investigations to evaluate the significance of archaeological sites and assess their eligibility for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Archaeological sites can be eligible for the NRHP if they contain intact cultural deposits which can provide significant information about past occupations and cultures.
If an archaeological site is determined eligible for the NRHP, we work with project planners and designers to avoid the site or to minimize the effect that the proposed construction may have on the site. If an NRHP-eligible archaeological site cannot be avoided, mitigation measures, such as archaeological excavations and data recovery, may be undertaken.
To review our cultural resources reports, click here.
In accordance with 36 CFR Part 800, ODOT-CRP conducts archaeological investigations to evaluate the significance of archaeological sites and assess their eligibility for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Archaeological sites can be eligible for the NRHP if they contain intact cultural deposits which can provide significant information about past occupations and cultures.
If an archaeological site is determined eligible for the NRHP, we work with project planners and designers to avoid the site or to minimize the effect that the proposed construction may have on the site. If an NRHP-eligible archaeological site cannot be avoided, mitigation measures, such as archaeological excavations and data recovery, may be undertaken.
To review our cultural resources reports, click here.