cultural resources studies manual
and report template

ODOT-CRP Procedure Manual.

ODOT-CRP Cultural Resources Report template
updated January 25, 2022)
This form is the template for ODOT Cultural Resources Reports.
updated January 25, 2022)
This form is the template for ODOT Cultural Resources Reports.
other forms for Cultural Resources consultants
ODOT-CRP Cultural Resources Investigations Scope of Work: UPDATED APRIL 23, 2023
This is the instruction set and scope of work template for cultural resources projects. The hours proposal and methodology proposed by the consultant or Demand CR Specialists must be submitted directly to the ODOT Contract Administrator.
This is the instruction set and scope of work template for cultural resources projects. The hours proposal and methodology proposed by the consultant or Demand CR Specialists must be submitted directly to the ODOT Contract Administrator.
ODOT-CRP Standard of Uniformity:
This checklist compiles report components necessary to facilitate the report preparation and review.
This checklist compiles report components necessary to facilitate the report preparation and review.
ODOT-CRP Consultant Final Report Transmittal Form:
This form is completed and submitted by the Consultant CR Specialist for use as a final report transmittal cover. Please use the form linked here, which was updated December 6, 2023.
This form is completed and submitted by the Consultant CR Specialist for use as a final report transmittal cover. Please use the form linked here, which was updated December 6, 2023.
Bridge Forms and Instructions
ODOT has worked with Oklahoma SHPO to provide a revised fillable bridge form that can be used for trusses and non-truss structures. The form is approved by SHPO and can be used to complete bridge inventory and evaluations for all agencies that propose bridge improvement projects, and the structure must be inventoried and assessed. Recall that ODOT has completed an inventory of trusses and arches, New Deal-era structures, and has implemented a programmatic process for post-1945 bridges. Make sure your bridge isn't already excluded from Section 106 review by looking here:
ODOT has worked with Oklahoma SHPO to provide a revised fillable bridge form that can be used for trusses and non-truss structures. The form is approved by SHPO and can be used to complete bridge inventory and evaluations for all agencies that propose bridge improvement projects, and the structure must be inventoried and assessed. Recall that ODOT has completed an inventory of trusses and arches, New Deal-era structures, and has implemented a programmatic process for post-1945 bridges. Make sure your bridge isn't already excluded from Section 106 review by looking here:
- Instructions for completing the inventory form for all bridges
- Inventory drop-down form for all bridges
- Manual form can be obtained by contacting ODOT Cultural Resources Program.
forms for NEPA consultants
Request for Non-FHWA Funded Cultural Resources Reconnaissance Data: This form is completed and submitted to ODOT-CRP to request cultural resources recon data for projects that are let through ODOT, but are not funded by FHWA.