Above: cover of publication Bridging the Mighty Red: Red River Crossings between Oklahoma and Texas.
- Winner of National Conference of State Legislatures Notable Document Award for History and Cultural Resources.
Cultural Resources Reports
Below is a chronological list of archaeological publications resulting from testing and mitigation efforts on Oklahoma Department of Transportation Projects. Most are out of print. The reports below have been redacted to remove sensitive information. Qualified researchers may request copies by contacting the ODOT Cultural Resource Program at the address and phone number below.
Some reports do not contain sensitive archaeological information and can be provided as hard copies. If you are interested in a copy of a report, please complete the following form:
<Request for Cultural Resources Report>
Some reports do not contain sensitive archaeological information and can be provided as hard copies. If you are interested in a copy of a report, please complete the following form:
<Request for Cultural Resources Report>

Howard, Erica L., Sherry N. DeFreece Emery, Deborah Dobson-Brown, Karen Jordan, and James Welch
2011 Geophysical, Archaeological, and Architectural Investigations 101 Ranch Historic District, Kay County, Oklahoma. ODOT Cultural Resources Research Report, No. 1. URS Corporation, Dallas, Texas.
2011 Geophysical, Archaeological, and Architectural Investigations 101 Ranch Historic District, Kay County, Oklahoma. ODOT Cultural Resources Research Report, No. 1. URS Corporation, Dallas, Texas.

Margolis, Michael, Steve Ahr, Chris von Wedell, Michelle Davenport, Shelley Hartsfield, Diamond Kapanday, Marcia Meier, and Kasey Cox
2014 Archaeological Data Recovery at Site 34CO29, Coal County, Oklahoma. ODOT Cultural Resources Research Report, No. 2. URS Corporation, Dallas, Texas.
2014 Archaeological Data Recovery at Site 34CO29, Coal County, Oklahoma. ODOT Cultural Resources Research Report, No. 2. URS Corporation, Dallas, Texas.

Bartlett, Robert, Christa M. Wroblewski, Jessica A. Kepka, Brandon S. Reynolds, and Chelsea R. Riley
2017 Archaeological Investigations at 34GR177, an Early-20th Century Dump Site Associated with Granite Sulphur Springs, Greer County, Oklahoma. ODOT Cultural Resources Research Report Series, No. 3.
2017 Archaeological Investigations at 34GR177, an Early-20th Century Dump Site Associated with Granite Sulphur Springs, Greer County, Oklahoma. ODOT Cultural Resources Research Report Series, No. 3.

Hronek, Angela, Kathy Knapp, Rick Mitchell, Dusty Nielsen, Emily Pettis, Sebastian Renfield, Tim Smith, and Christina Slattery
2017 Bridging the Mighty Red: Red River Crossings Between Oklahoma and Texas. ODOT Cultural Resources Research Report Series, No. 4. Mead & Hunt, Inc.
2017 Bridging the Mighty Red: Red River Crossings Between Oklahoma and Texas. ODOT Cultural Resources Research Report Series, No. 4. Mead & Hunt, Inc.

Hartley, John D. with contributions by Robert Bartlett
2018 Mount Williams: Archaeology at the World War II Norman Naval Station Machine Gun and Rifle Range in Norman, Oklahoma. ODOT Cultural Resources Research Report Series, No. 5.
2018 Mount Williams: Archaeology at the World War II Norman Naval Station Machine Gun and Rifle Range in Norman, Oklahoma. ODOT Cultural Resources Research Report Series, No. 5.

Rachel Feit, Amy Goldstein, Heather Stettler, Victoria Raines, and Maura Hogan
2020 No Man’s Land: History and Archeology in the Oklahoma Panhandle Historic Context and Framework for Archeological Evaluation of Farms and Ranches from 1886-1946 ODOT Research Report Series, No. 6
2020 No Man’s Land: History and Archeology in the Oklahoma Panhandle Historic Context and Framework for Archeological Evaluation of Farms and Ranches from 1886-1946 ODOT Research Report Series, No. 6

Hofman, Jack
1975 Archaeology At The Easton Site (Lf-213), LeFlore County, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Highway Archaeological Survey Papers in Highway Archaeology, No. 1. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.
1975 Archaeology At The Easton Site (Lf-213), LeFlore County, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Highway Archaeological Survey Papers in Highway Archaeology, No. 1. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.

Lopez, David R. and Kenneth D. Keith
1976 An Archaeological Survey of U.S. 69, Pittsburg, Atoka and Bryan Counties, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Highway Archaeological Survey Papers in Highway Archaeology, No. 2. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.
1976 An Archaeological Survey of U.S. 69, Pittsburg, Atoka and Bryan Counties, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Highway Archaeological Survey Papers in Highway Archaeology, No. 2. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.

Briscoe, James
1977 The Plantation Site (Mi-63), An Early Caddoan Settlement in Eastern Oklahoma. Oklahoma Highway Archaeological Survey Papers in Highway Archaeology, No. 3. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.
1977 The Plantation Site (Mi-63), An Early Caddoan Settlement in Eastern Oklahoma. Oklahoma Highway Archaeological Survey Papers in Highway Archaeology, No. 3. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.

Keith, Kenneth D., and David R. Lopez
1978 The Cotton Site: Test Excavations and Findings at Lf-207, LeFlore County, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Highway Archaeological Survey Papers in Highway Archaeology, No. 4. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.
1978 The Cotton Site: Test Excavations and Findings at Lf-207, LeFlore County, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Highway Archaeological Survey Papers in Highway Archaeology, No. 4. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.

Baugh, Timothy G.
1978 The Dawson Site (MY-140): An Archaic Workshop in Northeastern Oklahoma. Oklahoma Highway Archaeological Survey Papers in Highway Archaeology, No. 5. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.
1978 The Dawson Site (MY-140): An Archaic Workshop in Northeastern Oklahoma. Oklahoma Highway Archaeological Survey Papers in Highway Archaeology, No. 5. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.

Lopez, David, R. and Kenneth Keith
1979 Oklahoma Highway Archaeological Survey 1972-1978. Oklahoma Highway Archaeological Survey Papers in Highway Archaeology, No. 6. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.
Large File - Contact ODOT-Cultural Resources Program for Information
1979 Oklahoma Highway Archaeological Survey 1972-1978. Oklahoma Highway Archaeological Survey Papers in Highway Archaeology, No. 6. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.
Large File - Contact ODOT-Cultural Resources Program for Information

Saunders, Roger S.
1983 The Carrizozo Creek bridge Site: A Plains Woodland Site on the Oklahoma/New Mexico Border. Oklahoma Highway Archaeological Survey Papers in Highway Archaeology, No. 7. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.
1983 The Carrizozo Creek bridge Site: A Plains Woodland Site on the Oklahoma/New Mexico Border. Oklahoma Highway Archaeological Survey Papers in Highway Archaeology, No. 7. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.

Saunders, Roger S.
1985 1984 Archaeological Test Excavations in Northwest Oklahoma. Oklahoma Highway Archaeological Survey Papers in Highway Archaeology, No. 8. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.
1985 1984 Archaeological Test Excavations in Northwest Oklahoma. Oklahoma Highway Archaeological Survey Papers in Highway Archaeology, No. 8. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.

Hartley, John D. and Leslie Raymer
1993 Test Excavations at the Antioch Bridge Site (34GV161): A Fluvially Disturbed Woodland Assemblage in Garvin County, Oklahoma. Bulletin of the Oklahoma Anthropological Society XLI:1-42. Oklahoma Anthropological Society, Norman Ok. (Papers in Highway Archaeology , No. 9)
1993 Test Excavations at the Antioch Bridge Site (34GV161): A Fluvially Disturbed Woodland Assemblage in Garvin County, Oklahoma. Bulletin of the Oklahoma Anthropological Society XLI:1-42. Oklahoma Anthropological Society, Norman Ok. (Papers in Highway Archaeology , No. 9)

Hartley, John D. and Joe E. Watkins
1993 Test Excavations at the Whirlwind Mission (Site 34BL-47). Bulletin of the Oklahoma Anthropological Society XLI:43-56. Oklahoma Anthropological Society, Norman Ok. (Papers in Highway Archaeology, No. 10)
1993 Test Excavations at the Whirlwind Mission (Site 34BL-47). Bulletin of the Oklahoma Anthropological Society XLI:43-56. Oklahoma Anthropological Society, Norman Ok. (Papers in Highway Archaeology, No. 10)

Hartley, John D. and Joe E. Watkins
1993 Archeological Test Excavations at the Pennington Creek Site (34JN-54) Johnston County, Oklahoma. Reports in Highway Archeology, No. 11. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.
1993 Archeological Test Excavations at the Pennington Creek Site (34JN-54) Johnston County, Oklahoma. Reports in Highway Archeology, No. 11. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.

Hartley, John D. and Robert Bartlett
1995 Test Excavations at the Leonard-Grooms Site (34LG61), a Buried Late Prehistoric Assemblage in the Central Oklahoma Cross Timbers. Reports in Highway Archeology, No. 12. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.
1995 Test Excavations at the Leonard-Grooms Site (34LG61), a Buried Late Prehistoric Assemblage in the Central Oklahoma Cross Timbers. Reports in Highway Archeology, No. 12. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.

Hartley, John D. and Robert Bartlett
1996 Archaeological Test Excavations at the Leader Creek Site (34CO114) a Woodland Assemblage in Coal County, Oklahoma. Reports in Highway Archeology, No. 13. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.
1996 Archaeological Test Excavations at the Leader Creek Site (34CO114) a Woodland Assemblage in Coal County, Oklahoma. Reports in Highway Archeology, No. 13. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.

Bartlett, Robert and John D. Hartley
1997 Test Excavations at the Green Site, 34GV202 A Plains Village Component along the Washita River in South Central Oklahoma. Reports in Highway Archeology, No. 14. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Environmental Studies Branch, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.
1997 Test Excavations at the Green Site, 34GV202 A Plains Village Component along the Washita River in South Central Oklahoma. Reports in Highway Archeology, No. 14. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Environmental Studies Branch, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.

Bartlett, Robert and Valli Powell
1999 Archaeological Investigations of Three Sites in Blaine County, Oklahoma, Prehistoric Occupations in the Western Cross Timbers, 34BL102, 34BL103 and 34BL104. Reports in Highway Archeology, No. 15. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Environmental Studies Branch, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.
1999 Archaeological Investigations of Three Sites in Blaine County, Oklahoma, Prehistoric Occupations in the Western Cross Timbers, 34BL102, 34BL103 and 34BL104. Reports in Highway Archeology, No. 15. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Environmental Studies Branch, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.

Langley-Ware, Lynita, John D. Hartley and Robert Bartlett
1999 Test Excavations at 34NB68 The Remains of a Late 19th/Early 20th Century Structure on Otoe-Missouria Trust Land Noble County, Oklahoma. Reports in Highway Archeology, No. 16. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Environmental Studies Branch, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.
1999 Test Excavations at 34NB68 The Remains of a Late 19th/Early 20th Century Structure on Otoe-Missouria Trust Land Noble County, Oklahoma. Reports in Highway Archeology, No. 16. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Environmental Studies Branch, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.

Bartlett, Robert and Lauren O’Shea
2014 Archeological Investigations at 34GT47: A Transitional Plains woodland/Plains Village Site in North Central Oklahoma. Reports in Highway Archeology, No. 17. Oklahoma Department of Transportation Cultural Resources Program, Environmental Programs Division, Oklahoma City.
2014 Archeological Investigations at 34GT47: A Transitional Plains woodland/Plains Village Site in North Central Oklahoma. Reports in Highway Archeology, No. 17. Oklahoma Department of Transportation Cultural Resources Program, Environmental Programs Division, Oklahoma City.

Taylor-Montoya, John and Robert Bartlett
2014 Archaeological Investigations at 34WN27 Prehistoric Occupation and Lithic Technology at A Burned Rock Midden Site in Washington County, Oklahoma. Reports in Highway Archeology, No. 18. Oklahoma Department of Transportation Cultural Resources Program, Environmental Programs Division, Oklahoma City.
2014 Archaeological Investigations at 34WN27 Prehistoric Occupation and Lithic Technology at A Burned Rock Midden Site in Washington County, Oklahoma. Reports in Highway Archeology, No. 18. Oklahoma Department of Transportation Cultural Resources Program, Environmental Programs Division, Oklahoma City.

Bartlett, Robert, Lauren O’Shea and John Taylor Montoya
2015 Prehistoric Occupations in the Hardwood Bottoms Along the Deep Fork of the North Canadian River in Okmulgee County, Oklahoma: Archeological Investigations at 34OG13. Reports in Highway Archeology, No. 19. Oklahoma Department of Transportation Cultural Resources Program, Environmental Programs Division, Oklahoma City.
2015 Prehistoric Occupations in the Hardwood Bottoms Along the Deep Fork of the North Canadian River in Okmulgee County, Oklahoma: Archeological Investigations at 34OG13. Reports in Highway Archeology, No. 19. Oklahoma Department of Transportation Cultural Resources Program, Environmental Programs Division, Oklahoma City.

McKay, Mike and Robert Bartlett
2015 Archeological Investigations at 34HP55: A Late Archaic Knapping Station along Dry Buffalo Creek in Harper County, Oklahoma. Reports in Highway Archeology , No. 20. klahoma Department of Transportation Cultural Resources Program, Environmental Programs Division, Oklahoma City.
2015 Archeological Investigations at 34HP55: A Late Archaic Knapping Station along Dry Buffalo Creek in Harper County, Oklahoma. Reports in Highway Archeology , No. 20. klahoma Department of Transportation Cultural Resources Program, Environmental Programs Division, Oklahoma City.

Bartlett, Robert
2016 Archeological Investigations at 34SQ352: A Later Archaic site on Lee Creek in Sequoyah County, Oklahoma. Reports in Highway Archeology, No. 21. Oklahoma Department of Transportation Cultural Resources Program, Environmental Programs Division, Oklahoma City.
2016 Archeological Investigations at 34SQ352: A Later Archaic site on Lee Creek in Sequoyah County, Oklahoma. Reports in Highway Archeology, No. 21. Oklahoma Department of Transportation Cultural Resources Program, Environmental Programs Division, Oklahoma City.
Miscellaneous STUDIES series

Bartlett, Robert
1998 Archaeological Investigations at 34WG220, A Prehistoric Occupation in the Arkansas River Valley along State Highway 72 Near Coweta, Wagoner County, Oklahoma. Miscellaneous Studies Series. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Environmental Studies Branch, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.
1998 Archaeological Investigations at 34WG220, A Prehistoric Occupation in the Arkansas River Valley along State Highway 72 Near Coweta, Wagoner County, Oklahoma. Miscellaneous Studies Series. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Environmental Studies Branch, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.

Bartlett, Robert
1997 Oklahoma Department of Transportation Investigations at 34CI320. Bulletin of the Oklahoma Anthropological Society XLVI:1-24. Oklahoma Anthropological Society, Norman Ok.
1997 Oklahoma Department of Transportation Investigations at 34CI320. Bulletin of the Oklahoma Anthropological Society XLVI:1-24. Oklahoma Anthropological Society, Norman Ok.

Hartley, John D., Robert Bartlett, Valli S. Powell and Lynita Langley-Ware
1999 The Assessment of Archaeological Sites in the Fort Sill Military Reservation Potentially Affected by the Reconstruction of State Highway 49 Comanche County, Oklahoma. Miscellaneous Studies Series. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Environmental Studies Branch, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.
1999 The Assessment of Archaeological Sites in the Fort Sill Military Reservation Potentially Affected by the Reconstruction of State Highway 49 Comanche County, Oklahoma. Miscellaneous Studies Series. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Environmental Studies Branch, Planning Division, Oklahoma City.

Bartlett, Robert and Valli Powell
2000 Investigations of a Prehistoric Site on the Western Edge of the Cross Timbers: Insights Into Plains Woodland and Late Prehistoric Adaptations. Bulletin of the Oklahoma Anthropological Society XLIX:1-42. Oklahoma Anthropological Society, Norman Ok.
2000 Investigations of a Prehistoric Site on the Western Edge of the Cross Timbers: Insights Into Plains Woodland and Late Prehistoric Adaptations. Bulletin of the Oklahoma Anthropological Society XLIX:1-42. Oklahoma Anthropological Society, Norman Ok.